...s, including the admission records for St. John’s Orphan Asylum dating from 1845 to 1970, St. Joseph’s House for Homeless Industrious Boys (Philadelphia) dating from 1904 to 1940, and St. Francis Industrial/Vocational School (Eddington) dating from 1888 to 1970. Please note that records after 1930 will only be provided to

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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Rt. Rev. Thomas Shahan 1993.018.EOS017; CHRC On August 15th of 1913, the project that Msgr. Thomas Shahan has been working on and dreaming of since the early 1900s was given the green light by none other than Pope Pius X. The approval was for the building of the Basilica of

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Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...any are in poor condition. 1849: Jan. 13. 1851: May 3; Sept. 20; Dec. 13. 1852: Apr. 30; Sept. 4, 25; Nov. 13. 1853: May 21; Jun. 18, 25; Jul. 2; Sept.. 3, 17, 24; Oct. 15; Dec. 24, 31. 1854: Feb. 11; Apr. 1, 8, 29; Jun. 3, 17,

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Research guide for parish histories

...l Spiritual and Financial Reports, 1897- The Parish Annual Reports begin in 1897. The spiritual, or pastoral, report contains information on the number of Catholic families and individuals in the parish, school enrollment, sacraments administered and other information on the practice of the faith within the parish. The financial report

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