Hometown Saint: Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Philadelphia

...decided to found a new order to advance the cause of Native-American and African-American education. On February 12, 1891, Katharine pronounced her vows as the first member of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People. She added one vow to the usual ones of poverty, chastity,

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Research guide for parish histories

...l and ephemera relating to a particular parish. The amount and kind of material varies by parish. At this time, complete inventories are available only for parishes in the state of Pennsylvania. Inquiries on parishes outside of Pennsylvania can be made by phone or e-mail. Some material for parishes outside

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital

...ays. The 2,500-bed facility was not quite finished when 22 Daughters of Charity arrived on June 9, 1862. Initially, the hospital was fairly ill equipped, especially with regard to the accommodations for the sisters. Beverages were served in wash pitchers and the food in basins. The sisters ate their meals

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Black Catholic periodicals

...Catholic community. These newspapers also covered issues relating to the African American community in a broader sense. According to Cyprian Davis, author of The History of Black Catholics in the United States, the black Catholic laity emerged as a cohesive and influential force during the last couple decades of the

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