Canonization of Saint John Neumann

...eatification and one for canonization are the current requirements, at the time of Neumann’s cause, two miracles were required for the beatification process.[3] Although many cases of miracles were reported, two were selected and submitted to the Vatican in 1924 in hopes of beatification happening by the Holy Year in

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Archbishop John Carroll

...Scribner’s Sons, 1955), 11. [2] Ibid., 14. [3] John Gilmary Shea, Life and Times of the Most rev. John Carroll, Bishop and First Archbishop of Baltimore, (New York, John Shea, 1888), 33 & 38. [4] Melville, John Carroll, 38 & 49. [5] Shea, Life and Times, 209 & 223. [6]

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Monsignor Francis X. Meehan articles, as well as a regular contributor to the Catholic Standard and Times. The majority of the articles concern peace and moral theology. At the time when most of the articles were written, the Cold War was raging and the threat of nuclear fallout was always looming. Msgr. Meehan,

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Josephine Walsh (center) on her way to Europe, July 1900

A “petulant girl”?: Josephine Walsh’s diaries

...fact less than nothing – because I have had the expense of paper, ink and time!" Walsh on the business of writing. 1906 diary, page 1. Walsh on the business of writing. 1906 diary, page 2. Josie wanted to be a writer, but this was a tough dream for a

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