
...ection CHRC has numerous images of churches, religious persons, events and places relating to the history of the Archdiocese. Photographs Lithographs Manuscript Collections The Manuscript Collection includes records of all of the bishops and archbishops of Philadelphia up to the present. The Manuscript Collection of the American Catholic Historical Society

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“An Appeal to Truth”

...ional interest of Germany to confute us.” (9) Additionally, this statement places the German Bishops in a precarious position because if they do not accept the public trial then it could be argued that they did not rise to defend the honor of Germany and its soldiers. The Cardinal maintained

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Medical Mission Sisters

...35,000 patients and assisted in 641 births.[10] Furthermore, while in many places the sisters were not allowed to actively proselytize, they were instructed by Mother Dengal to “teach by example."[11] By doing so the sisters were able to convert many to Catholicism, baptizing 561 in Rawalpindi in the year 1944

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Digital Collections

Digital Collections CHRC has a large number of items that have been digitized through various digitization projects, partnerships, patron research requests, and social media initiatives. We endeavor to provide standardized descriptive practices and open access to this growing collection over the web. CHRC's Omeka site features a growing set of

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