Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...heaters.[1] By doing so, Dougherty declared it sinful for any of the area’s 800,000 Catholics to enter a movie theater. In his letter to the priests of the Archdiocese, Dougherty called the motion picture theater “perhaps the greatest menace to faith and morals in America today.”[2] Dougherty and many others

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Saint John Neumann and the Forty Hours Devotion

...of Jesus laid in the tomb. Not long after, the practice spread to Rome by way of Saint Philip Neri and was celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. Subsequent popes expanded the practice to all churches in Rome and Saint Ignatius Loyola and the Society of Jesus spread

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview And they were good. They’d come out, you know and we decided that one way of calming the situation down was to have a rosary. We’d had a priest say a rosary in the vernacular in Spanish and then things would---and I still remember—one guy said, “All right, we

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...ression of religion in the Warsaw Pact countries, Catholicism in Poland not only survived but thrived as many Poles saw their religion as a way to oppose communism. ← Nuclear War Prague Spring →...

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