Philadelphia’s Third Archbishop

...uent installation of Chaput as the ninth Archbishop of Philadelphia comes around the same time as the 100th anniversary of the installation of Philadelphia’s third Archbishop, Edmond F. Prendergast (1911-1918). Catholic Standard and Times, June 3, 1911 Prendergast studied, was ordained, and served in the in the Philadelphia Archdiocese for

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Cardinal Dougherty and His Golden Jubilee

...f over 100 new parishes, Catholicism flourished in the Archdiocese and the number of Catholics continued to increase. Halvey_483 Dougherty’s Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood was seen as a way to honor his work in expanding the Church as well as celebrating Catholic life in the city.

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The Church and Labor Leo was reacting to the new economic systems and ideas that had spread around the world, namely capitalism and socialism. He recognized that unrestricted capitalism placed on the "laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery," while also condemning socialism for being "directly contrary to the natural

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The Centennial Fountain

...the granite work.[5] Work began on the fountain on July 5th 1875 with the groundbreaking, giving the workers only a year to finish the construction. In order to pay for the project, the Philadelphia chapter of the CTAU began to have public rallies to raise donations. While they were able

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