James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...d that it's purpose "shall be the preservation and publication of Catholic American historical documents, the investigation of American Catholic history, especially that of Philadelphia, and the development of interest in Catholic historical research." It appears, however, that like many historical societies, the ACHS sometimes accepted materials that did not

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41st International Eucharistic Congress

...to 1881, when a one day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by 800 people. The event in Philadelphia would last for a week and be attended by over 1,500,000 people including 44 Cardinals and 417 bishops from around the world. [1] Production of Foolsgold. Halvey A443.011 Planning

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Eucharistic Congress

...to 1881, when a one day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by 800 people. The event in Philadelphia would last for a week and be attended by over 1,500,000 people including 44 Cardinals and 417 Bishops from around the world. Halvey_A429_001 Halvey_A429_052 Halvey_A429_054 Halvey_A429_056   Hungers and

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The Bishop’s Bank

...n, pockmarked". This kind of description is not unusual at this time. If a person was illiterate and unable to write their name, a physical description or personal information was the only way to prove identification. Other notations, though brief, offer insights into the personal life of the depositor. Mary

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