Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career

...tinues on the second page: We are moving the troops out of here as fast as possible and by the end of week they should all have gone. I suppose then I shall go to Huntsville but I don't know. O'Reilly to his sister, August 16, 1898, page 2 O'Reilly's

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Parish Mapping Project

...r important primary sources included, bishop correspondence, the Consultor minute books and a hand written parish boundary book. Excerpt from the Catholic Standard Directory Once we had data on the boundaries in 1971, the first step was to import the current map boundaries to our google maps account. This way

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John J. Bonner papers, 1909-1945 (MC 49)

...ia Catholic League and was one of the best-known Catholic educators in the country. Born in Philadelphia on November 2, 1890, John Bonner entered St. Charles Seminary after graduating from Roman Catholic High School. He transferred to the North American College in Rome, and was ordained there in June 1917.

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Catholic Interracial Council

...arge, S.J.[1] LaFarge hoped that local chapters would be opened across the country to meet the needs of each individual diocese. This grassroots style structure would then work within the Catholic Church to achieve social justice.[2] The first such group in Philadelphia was founded three years later in 1937 also

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