About CHRC

...Center (CHRC) is to collect, preserve, and make available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and those ancillary records and items that reflect the growth and development of Catholicism within the Archdiocese in accordance with the approved Collection Access Policy. The CHRC also preserves and makes

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Liturgical Music and Peter LaManna

...the Mass. In teaching at the Seminary, he instructed his students in both official teachings on liturgical music as well as pastoral implications. One thing that LaManna stressed in his classes was that secular music was not permitted at any liturgical service in the Archdiocese. Dr. LaManna continued to serve

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Cardinal John P. Foley

...inary teaching ethics and metaphysics. In 1970, Foley became editor of the official diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Standard and Times. During the decade previous he had served as assistant editor and Vatican correspondent for the newspaper, and received his master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. circa 1975 He maintained

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“An Appeal to Truth”

...the German language, and so was obliged to accept and to sign on trust the official reports.” He claimed that this evidence was unacceptable, the argument one-sided, and that it was unfair for them to take the argument to the Pope without giving the Belgian’s a chance to voice their

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