
...d material on Catholic institutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Maryland and Washington, D.C. A variety of types of institutions are included, especially hospitals, orphanages, and colleges. Associations & Institutions   Pamphlets Contains several thousand pamphlets and other printed materials relating to subjects of Catholic interest. Newspapers CHRC

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Josephine Walsh (center) on her way to Europe, July 1900

A “petulant girl”?: Josephine Walsh’s diaries

...t short his Jesuit education due to his interest in medicine. Based in New York, he went on to become a doctor, a well-known lecturer, and author of several books on religion and healing. Dr. James J Walsh Josephine’s mother died in 1895, when she was 12. Her father died

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Mary Brackett Willcox and Catholicism in the Suburbs After her conversion, she fully embraced her new faith. Every summer, Mary and James invited Kenrick, other priests, and seminarians to spend time at their home.[7] Over time she would develop special relationships with the seminarians to the point that in letters they began referring to her as “Ma”

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Monsignor Francis X. Meehan

...g his time as pastor, a new parish center was built in 1991, followed by a new church in 2005. Additionally, Monsignor Meehan expanded lay ministries and groups, establishing a Men’s Bible Study and Evangelization Committee, to name a few. Monsignor Meehan would remain here until 2007, when he retired.

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