Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Roman Catholic Diocesan Newspapers are available online at These include The Catholic Herald and its successors, The Catholic Standard and The Catholic Standard and Times through September 28, 1951. The records are indexed and keyword searchable. The search is free; however, to view the records a subscription to

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Associations & Institutions

...uch as brochures.   Some material may also be found in the General Pamphlet collection.   Search the collections via our online catalog....

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Digitizing the Halvey Photograph Collection, Step One

...te goal is to digitize the entire collection and make the images available online. For over sixty years, Robert Halvey served as a freelance photographer for the Catholic Standard and Times, often as a volunteer. His career as a photographer began in the 1930’s, taking photos for the Roman Catholic

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...isters with the Pennsylvania Department of Heath stating that “without the serviced rendered by these good women many additional lives would have been sacrificed.”[12] The mayor of Philadelphia echoed similar sentiment in a letter declaring that “I have never seen a greater demonstration of real charity or self-sacrifice than has

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