Benedict Club: A Home Away From Home

...rst year about 200 men visited the club each day and by 1943 that was up to 800.[11] The women volunteers, called the Morale Corps, would organize various themes for the dances as well as staff the offices and service desks and serve food and refreshments. The military men described

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Misericordia Hospital

...uated on May 21, 1921.[13] By 1968 almost 2,000 nurses were trained at Misericordia.[14] Misericordia Hospital: One-Half Century of Service, 1918-1968, (1968), 17. In 1967 plans were made to merge the running of Misericordia with Fitzgerald Mercy, a hospital in Delaware County run by the Sisters of Mercy. One of

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Alliance of Catholic Women notable part of the Alliance was its focus on education. This took on a number of different forms over the years. In 1920 with its first major program, the ACW established an endowment to fund scholarships to the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania.[6] Named after an early member, the

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The Bishop’s Bank

...stitution but also of its individual depositors. The Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center holds the ledgers and journals of the Bishop's bank. The ledger books contain the individual accounts for each depositor, and serve as a rich source of historical information. In addition to account information, they include notations on

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