Mark Antony Frenaye papers, 1807-1868 (MC 16), according to Frenaye, break down the system of trustee control in the city. Trusteeism involved the practice of Catholic laity assuming control of the administration of churches, even to the point of hiring and firing pastors. Frenaye also managed the Bishop’s Bank, which Bishop Kenrick established in 1848 for

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Bishop Francis Kenrick and His Journals

...hat Kenrick began his work in Philadelphia. During his twenty years in the city, Kenrick supported the building of asylums for young boys and girls and dozens of new churches throughout the diocese; wisely encouraged the establishment of a new diocese in Pittsburgh; and consented to the creation of the

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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

...ed in Harper’s Weekly, his cartoons were famous for attacking the New York City political machine of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. Nast is also credited with creating the Republican Party’s elephant and drawing the modern image of Santa Claus. However, he also used cartoons to express his dislike of

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Historic Resting Place for Famous and Faithful

...Philadelphia. Katrina survived the yellow fever epidemic that ravaged the city in 1793. Fear of the fever was so great that survivors sought protection even from the dead. For sanitary reasons, over 2,600 loads of earth were spread over the surface of Old St. Mary’s Cemetery, raising the burial ground.

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