Associations & Institutions

...uch as brochures.   Some material may also be found in the General Pamphlet collection.   Search the collections via our online catalog....

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Newspapers & Periodicals

...d in 1886 to collect material documenting the history of Catholicism in the United States.   Search the collection via our online catalog.    ...

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Digitizing the Halvey Photograph Collection, Step One

...te goal is to digitize the entire collection and make the images available online. For over sixty years, Robert Halvey served as a freelance photographer for the Catholic Standard and Times, often as a volunteer. His career as a photographer began in the 1930’s, taking photos for the Roman Catholic

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The Church and Labor

...h today. See the full collection of pamphlets and writings on labor on our online catalog: [1] Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter of Our Holy Father by Divine Providence Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor, (Philadelphia: Hardy & Mahony, 1891) P004.0014. [2] Leo XIII, Condition of Labor, P004.0014 [3]

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