Interesting film history finds in the Parish Calendar collection

...f 28 in an automobile accident. The article praises Flynn not only for her career, but also for her strong Catholic faith. Flynn is noted for saying the rosary every evening as well as making the sign of the cross before she went on stage. The article tells us that

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Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...heless, during the 1800s there were two major organizations that attracted numbers of Irish Catholics: the Fenian Brotherhood and the Molly Maguires. The Fenian Brotherhood was founded in 1858 as a national movement for the liberation of Ireland from English rule.[1] The Molly Maguires were likely founded in 1863 and

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Civil Rights

...onists to a misbehaving child that needs to be controlled and corrected by American society. McGovern, “I Raised Him from a Puppy,” March 22, 1968 McGovern is commenting on the need for white Americans to reflect on and address the role they have played in fostering racism. McGovern, “Step in

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Canonization of Saint John Neumann

...cient evidence.[4] Pilgrims to Beatification, Aeronews 32823. In 1957, 170 American bishops signed a letter to Pope Pius XIII requesting an Apostolic Benediction for Neumann.[5] However, in a 1958 letter to Cardinal O’Hara c.s.c., Father Edward Heston, Procurator General of the Congregation of Holy Cross, wrote that a dispensation to

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