Digitizing the Halvey Photograph Collection, Step One

...he collection contains negatives from the entirety of Halvey’s career, from 1935 to 1999. These images capture presidents, popes, entertainers, as well as everyday participants in Philadelphia Catholic life. In addition to photos taken for The Catholic Standard and Times there are photos taken for organizations and schools such as

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St. Peter Claver

...been a growing need for a dedicated ministry for some time. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, Black Catholics did not have a church of their own but rather attended Mass at various churches in the city, such as Old St. Joe’s, Old St. Mary’s, and Holy Trinity.[2] It was

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...red American society. In the immediate aftermath of the Orange Riot of July 12, 1871 in New York City, in which Irish Catholics clashed with the National Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. One cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of

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...n skills. Interested candidates must submit a resume and three references. Contact: Patrick Shank, archives@chrc-phila.org VOLUNTEERS If you are interested in volunteering at CHRC, please contact us stating your skills, hours available per week, and your time commitment (a few weeks, months, etc.). Some of the kinds of projects for

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