Recently Processed Collection: John Gilmary Shea Correspondence

...ribes of the United States, 1529-1854 (1854), An Elementary History of the United States (1855), and A School History of the United States (1855). Shea was very passionate about his life as a scholar; so much so that over the next four decades, he published two hundred and fifty articles

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Black Catholics in Philadelphia and The Journal relating to black Catholics as well as news about black issues in the United States. It also covered news concerning St. Peter Claver. The top of the newspaper's title page read “The Catholic Church is the only Liberator of the Negro.” The paper’s proprietors and publishers were Swann and

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Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...hools were later set up around England, as well as Europe, Africa, and the United States. Here in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, four educational institutions have been connected to the Society of the Holy Child of Jesus: Rosemont College, Holy Child School in Rosemont, Holy Child Academy in Sharon Hill

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Archbishop John Carroll

...ssion to Montreal in 1776.[4] After the war, Catholics in the newly formed United States wished to have a separate jurisdiction created so that they would no longer be under the Vicar Apostolic of London. So in 1783, the American Catholic clergy sent a letter to the pope requesting a

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