
...ools caused concern that public schools would be completely replaced. “The American River Ganges. The priests and the children,” December, 30, 1871 One of Nast’s most famous cartoons, “The American River Ganges,” depicts bishops shaped as crocodiles coming to devour children as a public school lays in ruins. Nast believed

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Herman Joseph Heuser papers, 1811-1933 (MC 1)

...Review (1889-1975), which he edited for many years. Along with editing the American Ecclesiastical Review, Heuser also organized and directed the Dolphin Press of Philadelphia, which printed many ecclesiastical works. From 1900 to 1908 he published the Dolphin, a general Catholic literary magazine that began as a book supplement to

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia the Catholic Church was incompatible with American values. In 1842, the American Protestant Association was formed in Philadelphia by more than 50 Protestant clergymen from every denomination. The APA’s objective was to alert the public, through lectures, publications, and revivals, to the dangers of popery, or “romanism.” The association

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