Thomas Lloyd family papers, 1766-1867 (MC 45)

...iety as a skilled stenographer and teacher. He was invited to serve as the official note taker of the Federal Congressional debates. His publication, the Congressional Register, became widely known as the most accurate and official documentation of the debates. Lloyd’s last publication was Lloyd’s Stenography (1819), a work that

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Beloved Cardinal Archbishop: John Francis O’Hara

...rchbishop O’Hara In Solemn Ceremony at Cathedral,” Scrapbook 2016.026 [5] “Official Press Book Elevation and Investiture His Eminence John Cardinal O’Hara, C.S.C,” (Philadelphia: Catholic Standard and Times: 1958) [6] “Church Bells Greet New Archbishop,” Scrapbook 2016.026 [7] “Letter to Vincent Carroll, from Bishop J. Carroll McCormick,” 12/28/1951, MC79 91.275 [8]

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

...t. Peter’s procathedral on October 28, 1810, more than two years after his official appointment. The newly appointed Bishop Egan soon found himself embroiled in disputes with lay trustees, and swayed by the dominant personality of his fellow priest, Reverend William Harold. Bishop Egan suffered ill health for many years,

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...are a less technologically-intensive institution; we use WordPress for our site; we need inexpensive and easily-implemented alternatives...Perfect! The catablog looked like a great option that would allow us to make our collections more accessible to researchers. With the help of our IT consultant, Walt Rice, Jr. I have begun to

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