
...to His Mother’s Apron-Strings,” October 12, 1872 Here Uncle Sam offers to free an American bishop from the pope’s plans to rule both church and state. Nast seems to suggest that the problem with Catholics is not their faith but their allegiance to a foreign power. In the background, the

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Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools records, 1890-1932 (MC 92)

...s for Philadelphia’s Catholic families. By 1850, nearly every parish had a free school. By 1852, Philadelphia had a parochial school system administered by a central school board. Consistent policies were established in 1890, when the central board voted to create an administrative staff to develop a cohesive curriculum and

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Herman Joseph Heuser Papers

...28, 1908, back Leopold Stokowski (1882-1977) was a conductor known for his free hand style. This letter thanks Heuser for his letter about Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and his hopes that performing the piece annually will inspire the public to love it as much as they do. Leopold Stokowski to

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Higher, Faster, Stronger: The Olympics

...to bring home a gold medal both times. Kobe Bryant stands ready to shoot a free throw. Image is in the public domain. Though he never went to the Olympics, Pope John Paul II was a large advocate, as he was an avid skier, swimmer and hiker. Before the 2004

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