
...ersity Archives, some institutions are using this method as a way to allow users to access their collections. As explained on the University of Massachusetts' UMarmot site, the catablog originated: " an experiment responding to two perceived needs: first, to find a low cost means of maximizing the public availability

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...7, 1917- Feb. 12, 1920, CHRC An account from an IHM nun recalls entering houses and finding entire families sick in bed together with no one to care for them. When this happened the sisters would bathe the sick, clean the house and then prepare food and medicine for the

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...l,” November 2, 1872 Tammany Hall was a Democratic Party political machine used to organize votes within New York City. The organization’s work with immigrants led to deep connections with the Irish community. Tammany then used the Irish vote to keep its members in power. Due to its ties to

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Citation Information

...ections: [Indicate cited item or series here], Collection Name, Collection number, Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. Photographs: In general, only photographs from the Robert Halvey Collection are to be published with written permission from CHRC. These photographs are to be captioned: Courtesy of the

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