
...eering at CHRC, please contact us stating your skills, hours available per week, and your time commitment (a few weeks, months, etc.). Some of the kinds of projects for volunteers may include: cataloging archival and library materials into our PastPerfect database, creating inventories of collections, or re-housing archival collections. Volunteers

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Canonization of Saint John Neumann

...o the legion of saints.[12] Cardinal Krol led a pilgrimage to Rome for the week long celebration and canonization of America’s first male saint.   Find all the material we have on Saint John Neumann on our digital catalog and visit the archives to go through the records. [1] P10.173:

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Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career and staff went to Huntsville has been largely sick holy people. On Saturday I sent seven Sisters of Charity from New Orleans off on a ship to Santiago...They are yellow fever nurses. O'Reilly to his sister, August 16, 1898, page 1 He continues on the second page: We are

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Interesting film history finds in the Parish Calendar collection virtually unknown in 2011, but he was certainly a popular actor in his day and still remains an interesting historical figure. There are two related articles within this August 1940 calendar on the topic of children watching movies. Both articles are fascinating as they show that children were a

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