Catholics Responses to the Spanish Civil War

...ief that it would restore and protect the Catholic Church. Go to our Omeka site to see some of the Spanish Civil War pamphlets or come to the archive to view the whole collection and the Msgr. Hawks slide collection. [1] Santiago Martínez Sánchez, "The Spanish Bishops and Nazism during

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Cardinal John P. Foley

...inary teaching ethics and metaphysics. In 1970, Foley became editor of the official diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Standard and Times. During the decade previous he had served as assistant editor and Vatican correspondent for the newspaper, and received his master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University. circa 1975 He maintained

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Black Catholic periodicals

...n able to find any information about this publication. The paper was given official approbation by James Cardinal Gibbons and describes itself as “The only colored Catholic paper authorized by the Church.” Its masthead also read: “The Catholic Church is the only hope of the Negro.” PAHRC’s collection of periodicals

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Martin I. J. Griffin papers, 1842-1950 (MC 8)

...assistant editor to the newly established Catholic Standard and Times, the official Philadelphia diocesan newspaper, from 1870 to 1873. Griffin founded the American Catholic Historical Society in 1884 and served as its secretary. He also belonged to several other historical associations, including the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Society of

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