We ask all researchers who use The Catholic Historical Research Center collections to help preserve and protect these materials so that they will be available for future generations. Please note that children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other designated adult at all times.
Staff will remove and reshelve all materials in storage areas for patrons. Researchers should look through records one folder at a time, maintaining the order in which they were received. Researchers are requested to notify the Archivist if anything appears to be out of order; do not rearrange them yourself.
Please use a “common sense” approach when handling materials.
Smoking is prohibited.
Eating and drinking are prohibited around workspace.
Noise should be kept at a minimum.
Wash hands before handling materials.
Gloves should be worn if examining photographic materials
The use of digital cameras is permitted.
The use of personal scanners is not permitted.
Researchers can use the copy machine to create reproductions of materials that are in good condition. Otherwise, copies will be made by a staff member.