A Philadelphia Artist
...tin writes: My pecuniary situation with an increasing family is such as to place it out of my power to incur the expense and loss of time such as I did on the prior occasions, unless with a certainty of success and as ‘hope deferred maketh the heart sick’ and
Marian Year collection, 1954 (MC 6)
...This collection contains various souvenir materials, including correspondence, ephemera, published items, and photographs commemorating the Marian year celebrations and events that took place within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 1954. View legacy finding aid (PDF)...
Jubilees and Holy Years
...hree days. Later, the Archdiocesan Eucharistic Candlelight Procession took place on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway; “an archdiocesan response to Pope John Paul II’s dedication of the Jubilee Year to the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.” Over 40,000 lined the Parkway from the Cathedral to the steps of the
...onal Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade. In response, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. This cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of July 1863, where Irish Catholics attacked African-Americans throughout New York City. Nast blamed the attacks on both the ethnicity of the Irish and their