Starting from Scratch: The Story of Msgr. Hawks and St. Joan of Arc Parish

...building was a risky matter, since the lower floor was actually fallen in places and the cellar was full of vermin. When Mother Isador of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary called to see me with reference to the future school she happened to notice this wretched building.

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Josephine Walsh (center) on her way to Europe, July 1900

A “petulant girl”?: Josephine Walsh’s diaries

...had kept house for about a year, I begged Jim to let me go to school some place to learn higher education and real culture, but he wouldn’t hear of it. When I insisted and said I would bolt anyhow whether he approved or not, he wrote me a letter

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10th Synod

...ength of sermons.[4] This 10th synod was almost the 11th, as plans were in place to hold a synod during the 1960s during the episcopacy of Cardinal Krol.[5] Two years of work went into this proposed synod with commissions meeting every two weeks to discuss topics from the magisterium to

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The Day the Bronx Bomber Played in Kensington Crowds packed the hills by the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks. Uncounted numbers stood on rooftops and hung out of factory windows. Longest double ever hit When Ascension took the field, the crowd was surprised to see Ruth take his position at first base instead of his usual spot in the

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