Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters houses and finding entire families sick in bed together with no one to care for them. When this happened the sisters would bathe the sick, clean the house and then prepare food and medicine for the sick.[9] Sisters working in the hospitals, despite a lack of experience, were tasked

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Misericordia Hospital

...t on the first two years of the hospital stated that the medical staff had cared for over 4,000 patients as well as 16,000 people through the dispensary.[10] The report also broke down the types of diseases treated, with enlarged tonsils the most common with 609 and appendicitis the second

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Research guide for parish histories

...descriptions of consultors meetings. The Diocesan consultors are a certain number of priests in each diocese of the United States who act as official advisers of the bishop in certain matters pertaining to the administration of the diocese. Information relating to parishes usually consists of votes on a request to

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital in a single month. The following month of August saw the greatest number of deaths in any one month, averaging at least one per day. In just one year, patients consumed more than 800,000 pounds of bread, 16,000 pounds of butter and 334,000 quarts of milk. During the war,

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