1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...red by labor contractor Philip Duffy to construct mile 59 of the Pennsylvania and Columbia Railroad. The cholera epidemic that was ravaging parts of the U.S., including New York City, spread to Philadelphia and reached the laborers' camp in mid-August. Within two and a half weeks, all of the men

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...of the Sisters during the epidemic of influenza, October, 1918, (Philadelphia: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 1919), 3-6. [8] Ibid., 7. [9] Ibid., 21. [10] Ibid., 24. [11] Ibid., 26 & 31. [12] Letter from Commissioner of Health of Pennsylvania to the Right Reverbed Dougherty on November 25, 1918.

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St. Peter Claver

...Dame and the chapel was standing room only.[6] With the help of the Beneficial Saving Fund Society (future Beneficial Bank), St. Peter Claver was able to purchase an old Presbyterian church. On January 3, 1892, Archbishop Ryan dedicated the new church, among those in attendance were Katharine Drexel and other

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Philadelphia’s Third Archbishop

...parish schools were erected, especially ethnic parishes for the increasing number of southern Italian and Eastern European immigrants. Three Italian parishes in the city alone, including St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Our Lady of Pompeii, and Our Lady of Consolation, were established during Prendergast’s brief tenure.   St. Nicholas of Tolentine

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