1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...ver H. Taylor. Father Michael Hurley, no date Four Sisters of Charity were also called upon to minister to the dying men at Duffy’s Cut. Their presence was recorded from the accounts of an eyewitness; however, no official record of their mission exists. Relevant documents may have been destroyed in

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...n deaths worldwide were attributed to the flu, 34 million more than the total casualties of World War I.[1] In the United States, deaths have been estimated around 675,000, with Philadelphia being one of the hardest hit city with between 13,000 and 16,000 flu related deaths. [2] SB-10, April 7,

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St. Peter Claver

...e in the archdiocese, which was dedicated to Our Lady of Victory.[8] Originally installed as a side altar in April of that year, the devotion to Our Lady of Victory eventually grew so that the parish joined the Archconfraternity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a society started in France

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Philadelphia’s Third Archbishop

...Malachy's Church in Philadelphia where he served for 15 years. Prendergast was also a member of the Diocesan School Board and Building Committee, was on the Board of Trustees of the Clerical Fund, among other activities, and directed the Catholic Total Abstinence Society and St. Vincent de Paul Society, among

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