Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

...Immaculate Conception/National Shrine 9-23-1920; CHRC Finally on September 23, 1920, seven years after papal approval, the cornerstone was laid down and blessed before a crowd of 10,000.[11] The ceremony was presided by Cardinal James Gibbons of Baltimore, with representatives from the United States government, including Justice Joseph McKenna, and 23

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...s, including the admission records for St. John’s Orphan Asylum dating from 1845 to 1970, St. Joseph’s House for Homeless Industrious Boys (Philadelphia) dating from 1904 to 1940, and St. Francis Industrial/Vocational School (Eddington) dating from 1888 to 1970. Please note that records after 1930 will only be provided to

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...ble! CHRC joined with FindMyPast to make historical parish baptismal and marriage records available to the public. Pre-1919 records are on-line and can be searched and downloaded. Also available are the Philadelphia Roman Catholic Diocesan Newspapers, from 1833-Sept. 28, 1951 with some gaps when either issues were missing or a

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Parish Mapping Project

...aps. While the 1971 map is complete and ready to be used by researches, the 1921 and 1871 maps are still being built. These maps have proven more difficult to construct because of the lack of clear boundaries. For instance many of the suburban or ethnic parishes do not list

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