Benedict Club: A Home Away From Home

...rst year about 200 men visited the club each day and by 1943 that was up to 800.[11] The women volunteers, called the Morale Corps, would organize various themes for the dances as well as staff the offices and service desks and serve food and refreshments. The military men described

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...from God and would spend her days answering correspondence from the large number of charities she helped support and overseeing the affairs of St. Joseph’s and St. Emma’s Industrial Schools. When not working she would toil in her greenhouse or walk the grounds of her estate. During the depression she

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Nuclear War

...ning with negotiations in 1969, SALT resulted in an agreement to limit the number of ballistic missiles held by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Wolf, “Which Way?” December 15, 1953 Wolf questions whether mankind will chose the path that leads to peace or the one that leads to nuclear war.

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Misericordia Hospital

...ued to expand and would add two more wings over the years, bring the total number of beds to 400 by 1968.[12] The Nursed Record of the First Graduating Class of the Misericordia Hospital (Philadelphia 1921), 32. An important component of Misericordia hospital was its use as a teaching center

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