Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...his practice began in colonial times when laymen raised money, purchased land, and built churches themselves due to the decentralized structure of the early Church. Bishops’ rejection of such lay involvement caused frequent confrontations and denunciations that often led to the interdiction of churches. The trustees’ presentation of themselves as

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Friendly and Adopted Sons that members had to wear. Features St. Patrick on one side and America and Ireland with Liberty on the other. On Dec 17, 1781, the society decided to add George Washington to the group; however, they wanted to make him more than an honorary member. So the Friendly Sons

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Research Request Forms

...from the individual parishes including those in the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery. CHRC has the admission records for three boys’ orphanages: St. John’s Orphan Asylum (Dec. 1845 through May 1970), St. Joseph’s House for Homeless Boys (July 26, 1904-April 22, 1940),

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...people’s sins, specifically those dealing with the overindulgence of food and drink. And although Kenrick greatly assisted those affected by the disease, in a letter to Bishop Rese of Detroit, Kenrick shares his view of the outbreak as sort of a blessing in disguise in that it allowed many to

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