Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...tragic accident. A fourth child, Mary Magdalen, was born a year after they came back America, but died in infancy. The teaching career of Pierce did not last long, as he decided to enter the priesthood and asked Cornelia, who was five months pregnant, to agree to celibacy. Years later,

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...f youth in parish life, the permanent diaconate among the Hispanic and African-American populations, and the creation of programs that attempt to meet the human needs of the people in each church’s area. After the publication of the final report in 1975 until 1981, CORDUM would continue to study, inform,

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Centennial Exposition

...sident Grant’s opening speech as of “excellent taste” while The Louisville Catholic Advocate declared that the speech was “very dull” and “much to their [the crowd’s] relief he got through in about ten minutes.”[11] Catholics and their achievements were on display throughout the Centennial exposition. The main contribution to the

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