Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...e 1808-2008. Strasbourg : Editions du Signe, 2007. PAHRC has a significant number of 19th-century pamphlets in its General Pamphlet Collection. The Archives also has an almost complete run of official Philadelphia Diocesan newspapers up to the current Archdiocesan paper, The Catholic Standard and Times. More information on the riots

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Friendly and Adopted Sons

...1] 116th Annual Banquet of the Hibernian Society Banquet Programs: 1887, AC 119; 126th Annual Banquet of the Hibernian Society Banquet Programs: 1887, AC 119; the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland: Proceedings of the 128th Anniversary Dimer, 1899, AC 196

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Research Request Forms

...Dec. 1845 through May 1970), St. Joseph’s House for Homeless Boys (July 26, 1904-April 22, 1940), St. Francis’ Industrial School in Eddington (July 17, 1888-June 15, 1970), The Catholic Protectory (January 1916- February 1947) as well as St Vincent’s Tacony (1892-1994), which housed both boys and girls. We will conduct

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...e worst month with well over a hundred cases a day reported. A significant number of those cases resulted in death. The worst days in the city were August 6, when there were 176 cases and 71 deaths, and August 7, when there were 136 cases and 73 deaths reported.

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