Irish Land War

...testaments, and booklets on a variety of topics. I recently came across a number of documents related to the “Irish Question.” The Irish Question, concerning Irish nationalism and independence, spanned the time period from around the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. Religion and politics were both prominent topics

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Pope that Irish politicians would turn the United States into a theocracy (a country ruled by religious leaders). “I Would Be Anything to be President,” November 2, 1872 Nast contrasts Henry Clay with presidential candidate and founder of the New-York Tribune Horace Greeley. Greeley was the nominee for both Liberal

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Philadelphia’s First Catholic Cathedral

...cemetery for Old St. Joseph’s, Old St. Mary’s was referred to as “Mission Number 1” as St. Joseph’s was seen as the principal place of worship. The church was originally 50 feet by 80 feet and the entrance was through 5th street. Both George Washington and John Adams attended Vespers

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Packard, Butler and Partridge Lithograph Collection

...beled but generally are not. St. Stanislaus Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin A number of the exterior views also include vignettes of the pastor or other parish buildings such as the school, rectory and convent or the former church. St. Mary's Church, Norwalk, Ohio The exterior views also have standard touches such

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