James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...d that it's purpose "shall be the preservation and publication of Catholic American historical documents, the investigation of American Catholic history, especially that of Philadelphia, and the development of interest in Catholic historical research." It appears, however, that like many historical societies, the ACHS sometimes accepted materials that did not

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...particular parish. About the Collections The Catholic Historical Research Center collects printed materials, manuscript collections, and audiovisual materials relating to the history of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. These materials include the records of numerous Archdiocesan offices, the official correspondence of all of the bishops and archbishops of Philadelphia up to

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Herman Joseph Heuser Papers

...5) was a nun dedicated to identifying and attending to the needs of Native Americans and African Americans and protesting the injustices of racism. Born to a family which owned a large banking fortune, Drexel used her wealth to fund missions and schools. She was beatified by Pope John Paul

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Catholics Responses to the Spanish Civil War

...d War II, had major impacts on the world and the place of Catholics in it. American Catholics took an active role in writing and commenting on the war and in most cases supported the Nationalist forces out of the belief that it would restore and protect the Catholic Church.

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