Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...on the movie industry. In June of 1934, the Motion Picture Association of American agreed to stronger self-censorship and created the Production Code Administration, headed by Catholic layman, Joseph Breen.[9] Another effect of the boycott was the growth in power of the Legion of Decency, a Catholic organization which reviewed

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...olstered Protestant beliefs that the Catholic Church was incompatible with American values. In 1842, the American Protestant Association was formed in Philadelphia by more than 50 Protestant clergymen from every denomination. The APA’s objective was to alert the public, through lectures, publications, and revivals, to the dangers of popery, or

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Newman Centers

...xander Gray, OSF, “Development of the Newman Club Movement, Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, vol LXXIV, no 2, June 1963, 116. [11] Newman Club Manual: A Handbook for Newman Club Chaplains and Leaders, (Newman Club Federation: Washington, 1951) P015.296 [12] Catholic Campus Ministry, West Chester State

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite papers, 1865-1954 (MC 2) topics, in particular the influence of French participation during the American Revolution, and served as the archivist for American Catholic Historical Society from 1932 to 1949. Kite became the first laywoman to receive an honorary doctorate of literature from Villanova University in 1933. The Elizabeth Sarah Kite papers date

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