About CHRC

...ublic the historical sources illuminating the growth of Catholicism in the United States. CHRC’s collection includes records that document the history of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as well as the collections of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, the oldest Catholic historical society in the country. Mission Statement The

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Mathew Carey

...erald operated as a bi-weekly paper that gained a wide subscriber base because Carey would publish the debates in the PA House Assembly. Two years later, he published American Museum, the second magazine in the country The publication focused on American literature, which lead George Washington to say that “no

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The Centennial Fountain

...en.[2] The change was due to the Moses allegory of life giving water being better focused on the CTAU’s mission to encourage people to turn away from alcohol. While the main Irish American connection was removed, the CTAU incorporated it into other elements including four statues of famous Irish-Catholics in

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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

...ough the 1920s until 1931 when the crypt level was completed; however, because of the Great Depression, funding dried up so work the upper level was halted.[15] Due to the delay, Shahan would to be unable to see the end of the project as he passed way in 1932. However,

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