St. Peter Claver

...dying under the Sisters of Mercy to form her own order, she meet the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. Also known as the Holy Ghost Fathers, this order of priests had numerous missions in Africa and through the work of Drexel and Ryan, agreed to come to Philadelphia. Father Peter

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Philadelphia’s Third Archbishop

...e for the Deaf, and the Don Bosco Institute in South Philadelphia . Prendergast’s health began to fail only a couple of years after his appointment. He died at the episcopal residence, 1723 Race St., on February 26, 1918. Reference: Connelly, James F. The History of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

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The Church and Labor

...dignity of labor. However, he cautioned against viewing the economy as a class struggle and against the creation of a “leviathan state” that would lead to the “individual and family’s “absorption by the state.”[11] Since Pope Leo’s Rerum Novarum, the Catholic Church has placed a special focus on the plight

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The Centennial Fountain Force,” 22. [8] Gibbs, History of the Catholic, 34. [9] Ibid., 34. [10] Gasparini, “A Celebration of Moral Force,” 24. [11] Gasparini, “A Celebration of Moral Force,” 40. [12] Gibbs, History of the Catholic, 40. [13] Ibid., 45. [14] Ibid., 42. Archives Archives Select Month July 2024 May 2024

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