Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...was a noted teacher and lecturer of medicine and the natural sciences, but gained wider notoriety after he invented and patented his galvanic battery in March 1842. The patent Coad received was for the “improvement in the mode of constructing the galvanic battery so as to vary the intensity of

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Newman Centers

...the main problems that faced Newman centers and similar Catholic college organizations was the nature of its identity. Were these organizations places of worship, social clubs, or educational/evangelical centers? The answer was they were all three at the same time. However, many centers would struggle to balance the religious nature

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...ns, and revivals, to the dangers of popery, or “romanism.” The association gained attention through a series of popular lectures, especially those by the ex-priest Reverend William Hogan, who spread incredible lies about the Catholic Church after leaving it. Heated debates between Catholic and Protestant clergymen occurred in Philadelphia during

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The Bishop’s Bank

..., than to send abroad a discontented trumpet!" Bishop's Bank Rules, 1848 Regarding investments Frenaye was adamant. The rules state, "Bear in mind that investments must always be made in stock of ready sale: City, or State of Pennsylvania. No other; City is the best. County stock is good, but

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