Friendly and Adopted Sons

..., 1884), P001.2003 [2] Redmond P. Conlon, Toast the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick: Forty-first Annual Banquet of the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Newark, NJ, March 17, 1911 [3] Samuel Hood, A brief account of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick :

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Research Request Forms of the record. CHRC has some school records, mainly report cards, for a number of parochial schools: Ascension of Our Lord, St. Catharine of Sienna, St. Donato, St. Frances Cabrini Regional School, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Gertrude, St. Hugh, St. Joan of Arc, St. Madeline Sophie, Mater Dolorosa,

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...e, with certain peril to their lives, the Sisters took charge of the pest-stricken patients in that Hospital. Four others of the Sisters gave their services in other hospitals…priests proved their character and their strong virtues, caring for the sick in the exercise of the sacred ministry; while non-Catholic ministers

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...18 and the summer of 1919, an estimated 50 million deaths worldwide were attributed to the flu, 34 million more than the total casualties of World War I.[1] In the United States, deaths have been estimated around 675,000, with Philadelphia being one of the hardest hit city with between 13,000

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