
...institutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Maryland and Washington, D.C. A variety of types of institutions are included, especially hospitals, orphanages, and colleges. Associations & Institutions   Pamphlets Contains several thousand pamphlets and other printed materials relating to subjects of Catholic interest. Newspapers CHRC holds one of the

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...l students are left on the hook for the cost of their education. Knudsen, “Washington Mirage?” September 14, 1972 The promise of tax credits from politicians never seem to materialize while Catholic parents are struggling under the weight of taxes and tuition. McGovern, “Babes in the Woods,” August 28, 1969

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National Council of Catholic Women

...nnual Convention. The National Council of Catholic Women. Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. October 7, 1931 During Cardinal O’Hara’s time as archbishop, Philadelphia still remained separate from the NCCW; however, he was more receptive to the group and often wrote of his admiration for their work.[9] Indeed, under O’Hara local groups

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James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...mination. Indeed some of their leading men say, they will support no other Northern man. Page 1 Part of the second page reads: There is an element now actively at work which may defeat all calculations and many leading men of both parties are engaged in it. Even the Washington

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