The Bishop’s Bank

...rule". The story of the Bishop's Bank is not just the history of an institution but also of its individual depositors. The Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center holds the ledgers and journals of the Bishop's bank. The ledger books contain the individual accounts for each depositor, and serve as a

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...much of which would lose its value and timeliness if omitted or delayed. But the appeal will be still opportune if it appears in the April number. May God bless the holy zeal that animates you and give you the joy of seeing the wishes of the venerable Cardinal Luçon

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Nuclear War

Nuclear War The dangers of the nuclear arms race and the possibility of mutually assured destruction were a prominent Cold War theme. Knudsen, “First Robin?” 1971 Knudsen compares the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) to a robin announcing the thaw of winter. Beginning with negotiations in 1969, SALT resulted in

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