Temperance Movement

...to spread the cause.[3] With the growth in local societies, usually based around either parishes or dioceses, the need for a unifying national organization arose. So in 1872 in Baltimore, a national convention was held with 177 societies representing over 26,000 members.[4] It was here that the Catholic Total Abstinence

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...ions and University Archives, some institutions are using this method as a way to allow users to access their collections. As explained on the University of Massachusetts' UMarmot site, the catablog originated: "...as an experiment responding to two perceived needs: first, to find a low cost means of maximizing the

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Beloved Cardinal Archbishop: John Francis O’Hara

...of 1952, Bishop O’Hara boarded a train to his new episcopal see. Along the way, the train made stops in Allentown and Bethlehem (then part of the Archdiocese). In both cities, the new archbishop was greeted with much fanfare, with the local Catholic High bands playing upon his arrival and

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview

...now. And they were good. They’d come out, you know and we decided that one way of calming the situation down was to have a rosary. We’d had a priest say a rosary in the vernacular in Spanish and then things would---and I still remember—one guy said, “All right, we

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