
...ions and University Archives, some institutions are using this method as a way to allow users to access their collections. As explained on the University of Massachusetts' UMarmot site, the catablog originated: " an experiment responding to two perceived needs: first, to find a low cost means of maximizing the

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The Day the Bronx Bomber Played in Kensington Crowds packed the hills by the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks. Uncounted numbers stood on rooftops and hung out of factory windows. Longest double ever hit When Ascension took the field, the crowd was surprised to see Ruth take his position at first base instead of his usual spot in the

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Mathew Carey

...him a strong supporter of the War of 1812, as he believed it was the only way to secure American economic freedom.[10] Among other economic interests, Carey called for the creation of a canal system along the Delaware and Chesapeake Rivers as well as the unpopular view that a centralized

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Temperance Movement

...ournal of America in order to spread the message of temperance.[8] Another way that the CTAU and other temperance societies tried to increase abstinence was through the building of public drinking fountains, as they believed that better access to clean water would keep the poor from turning to beer and

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