Internships/Volunteer VOLUNTEERS If you are interested in volunteering at CHRC, please contact us stating your skills, hours available per week, and your time commitment (a few weeks, months, etc.). Some of the kinds of projects for volunteers may include: cataloging archival and library materials into our PastPerfect database, creating inventories

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Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...ween 1833 and 1844 as well as October 1944 and March 1968 can be found for free at the Catholic News Archive. The first ostensibly Catholic newspaper in Philadelphia was The Catholic Herald and Advocate which was first published on November 3, 1822 and may have run for only three

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Recap of “To Touch a Saint: Creating a Place for Middle School Students” Grant Program!

...bout their own Catholic history and parish through a learning session in a newly equipped classroom. Following the tour and classroom session, the students identified and handled artifacts from the Archives such as a chaplain’s kit from World War I, 19th century religious candy molds, and more. It is rare

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...hat of their readiness to help us to independence and with it to religious freedom—may we not come to the aid of the French Bishops in this matter of the seminaries, and to revive the flagging hopes of the venerable Cardinal of Reims? I could not help but notice that

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