Vatican II

Vatican II Cartoons about Vatican II reveal the struggles faced in balancing calls for reform with desires to maintain tradition. Wolf, “A Better Tomorrow,” December 4, 1964 From October 11, 1962 to December 8, 1965 the Second Vatican Council was held in Rome. The goal of the council was one

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Papal Infallibility

...s ago, the First Vatican Council gave formal definition to the dogma of Papal Infallibility. While the idea of Papal Infallibility had a long history of support within the Catholic Church, such as from St. Francis de Sales in the 1500s, declaring it an official dogma created new tensions with

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Parish and School Closing

.... While it was able to recover, other institutions would not be so lucky. Halvey_654J_021 Halvey_654J_022 Halvey_667J_004 Halvey_667J_009 Halvey_667J_013 Halvey_677J_024   Parishes Merge In 1992, Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua announced plans to examine the closing of a number of parishes in North Philadelphia and the city of Chester. Both areas saw

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Walter George Smith papers, 1836-1933 (MC 47)

...ol. Among other things, Smith was vehemently opposed to Lichtenberger’s stance on divorce. While Walter Smith’s writings and papers make up the majority of the collection, there is also material relating to other Smith family members, including his sister, Helen Grace Smith, and Thomas Kilby Smith. 2.8 linear feet ;

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