Mathew Carey

...hesapeake Rivers as well as the unpopular view that a centralized bank was good for American credit.[11] P001.0150, As an Irish Catholic, Mathew Carey was deeply involved with both groups in the city of Philadelphia. He acted as the president of a society for the protection of Catholic orphans

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Starting from Scratch: The Story of Msgr. Hawks and St. Joan of Arc Parish

...te “to be a pastor is the dearest ambition of almost every priest, to be a good pastor is to reach the greatest glory of the priesthood” The first issue for Hawks was the name of his new parish: “The parish was yet unmade. For me there was only one

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview

...ere up there and I had to bring in Spanish priests you know. And they were good. They’d come out, you know and we decided that one way of calming the situation down was to have a rosary. We’d had a priest say a rosary in the vernacular in Spanish

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Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute

...ages.[9] The second part developed out of the Philopatrians funding of the Good Shepard nuns’ canning plant. This grew into the creation of the Catholic Institutional Cooperative Association.[10] The purpose of the Cooperative was to take the bulk foodstuff and have it canned for future use to further help Catholic

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