Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...e 1808-2008. Strasbourg : Editions du Signe, 2007. PAHRC has a significant number of 19th-century pamphlets in its General Pamphlet Collection. The Archives also has an almost complete run of official Philadelphia Diocesan newspapers up to the current Archdiocesan paper, The Catholic Standard and Times. More information on the riots

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...e worst month with well over a hundred cases a day reported. A significant number of those cases resulted in death. The worst days in the city were August 6, when there were 176 cases and 71 deaths, and August 7, when there were 136 cases and 73 deaths reported.

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Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...pal infallibility (the belief that the pope cannot be wrong in matters of faith), raised concerns that Catholics owed allegiance first to the Church and not to the United States. The increasing number of Catholic immigrants, most notably from Ireland, led many to believe that America’s Protestant culture was at

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Digital Collections

Digital Collections CHRC has a large number of items that have been digitized through various digitization projects, partnerships, patron research requests, and social media initiatives. We endeavor to provide standardized descriptive practices and open access to this growing collection over the web. CHRC's Omeka site features a growing set of

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