The Church and Labor

Pope Leo XIII CHRC has a large collection of pamphlets and writings that deal with Catholics and its teaching on the economy. The Catholic Church has a long connection to labor and the plight of the worker, beginning with Pope Leo XIII's famous Encyclical, Rerum Novarum (Latin for Of New

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Friendly and Adopted Sons

On St. Patrick’s Day in 1771, a group of Irish immigrants met to form a social group, Members included, Stephen Moylan (later secretary to George Washington), Thomas Fitzsimmons (one of only two Catholics to sign the Constitution), and George Meade (banker and trustee of Old. St. Mary’s).[1] The group was

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Research Request Forms

...ined through the CHRC. All records after 1945 must be obtained from the individual parishes including those in the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery. CHRC has the admission records for three boys’ orphanages: St. John’s Orphan Asylum (Dec. 1845 through May 1970),

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...hit city with between 13,000 and 16,000 flu related deaths. [2] SB-10, April 7, 1917- Feb. 12, 1920, CHRC On October 3, 1918, the Board of Health of the city of Philadelphia ordered the closing of all schools and suspended church services until further notice.[3] The ban would remain in

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